
Our club is based at the Wangi Workers Club at Wangi Wangi NSW

We meet at the Wangi Workers’ Club in the Auditorium at 6.30pm on the 2nd Monday of the month for our Competition Night.

We meet at 7pm on the 4th Monday of the month for Tutorial/Workshop night.

We also have Special Interests Groups meeting on 1st Monday of the month at 7pm

The club’s mission statement is:

“a shared enjoyment of the art and craft of photography in a learning environment”

Use the green About Us button for information on our club and what we do.

// Action for CLUBS

The 2nd Monday of the month is our competition night.

  • Our Competition Program is available from our website.
  • There are 3 grades, Advanced, A and Open. Open Grade is usually for beginner photographers and for those members who just enjoy taking photographs without doing extensive editing.
  • We have photos presented both in print form as well as Digital (EDI) option. (EDI – Electronic Data Images)
  • Both Digital and Print contests require you to enter online on this website and include a digital copy of each entry. This will be displayed in an image gallery on the website
  •  All photographs are displayed and critiqued by the judge on the night. Most judges provide very beneficial feedback, from which we all learn
  • At the end of the year we run our “Photo of the Year”competition (POTY). The photos entered in this competition must be photographs that have been entered in competitions throughout the year.

The 4th Monday of the month is our tutorial night.

  • We have had many and varied tutorials and continue to do so every month.
  • Suggestions from members as to what tutorials they would like to have are very welcome.

The 1st Monday of the Month is Special Interests group night

  • Members choose their own interest subject to collect 4-10 images on.
  • This is not for competition but to allow members to explore their own photography journey.

Visitors are always welcome to come along however visitors cannot enter any competitions until they become a member of the club. Follow the link under About us for info on joining.

Fees are :

$40 for year if commencing in June -September; If join later the following fee applies: $30 October- December; $20 January to May

BSB 650000 Account 526472301 Wangi Camera Club

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Getting emails after comp night

After comp night it is normal for our members to get a few emails.
One of the emails that our members normally receive is one that gives them their personal awards for that month’s entries.

After our last comp night it was brought to my attention from some members that they had not received that email.

I have contacted Colin Woods who runs the website and below is his reply.

Hi Sue
The first thing to check is if the persons concerned are getting any emails from the system. IE:  Acknowledgment messages when they enter.
If not then they need to check their email address in their contact details and that the messages are not going to junk/spam.
Otherwise provide me with a few names and of members who are reporting this and I will check the email logs

If you are affected can you please email me and I’ll make a list of names of affected members and let Colin know so that we can sort out what’s going on.


by Sue Winsley, June 13, 2024

Meeting Reminder

There is NO meeting on the King’s Birthday Public Holiday this Monday 19th June.

Our next meeting is the AGM and Nicole Curtis’ Creative Tutorial on Monday 24th June,2023. See you there……

by Rita England, June 8, 2024

Results for competitions in June 2024 – Print

There were 5 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in June 2024 – Print

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Blue Poles
Brian Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Print

Confusion 2
Ian English – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Set Subject Print

This is how its done
Susan Hansell – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

In sleep we dream
Brad Le Brocque – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Print

Looking out looking in
Brad Le Brocque – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Print

by Sue Winsley, June 3, 2024

Results for competitions in June 2024 – Digital

There were 13 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in June 2024 – Digital

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Dolphin Surprise
John Payne – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Colour Digital

Dont mess with me
Susan Shipway – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Mono Digital

Eyes on the prize
Greg Woollett – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Colour Digital

Greg Woollett – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Mono Digital

Twin Catches
Dianne English – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Stiring the Dust m
Marie Kildey – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Mono Digital

Tim Kemp – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Set Subject Digital

Wave rider
Greg Woollett – Merit
Open Grade Open Colour Digital

Waiting for the Cleaners
Michael S Martin – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Alien or a Flower
Toni Conquest – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Toni Conquest – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Wings Out
Peter Ryan – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Upon reflection
Megan Willis – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Digital

by Sue Winsley, June 3, 2024

Feedback on our judges images

Our judge for tomorrow night, Graham Cam, is going to bring along about 3 of his prints and is hoping to get feedback on his work too.

These prints will be put on display for all our members to view.

Ian and Dianne will be the offical “Judges” for his images, but it would be great for all our members to view these images and I’m sure he’d appreciate any feedback.

I think this is a great idea.

by Sue Winsley, June 2, 2024

Competitions in June 2024 – Print are closing soon!

Competitions in June 2024 – Print will close Saturday, 1st June 2024, 11:59 PM.

Entries can be made in the following areas:

  • Open Grade Open Colour Print
  • A Grade Open Colour Print
  • Advanced Open Colour Print
  • Open Grade Open Mono Print
  • A Grade Open Mono Print
  • Advanced Open Mono Print
  • Open Grade Set Subject Print
  • A Grade Set Subject Print
  • Advanced Set Subject Print

All members are encouraged to enter.

by , May 30, 2024

Reminder of change of date for our June competition.

I just wanted to remind everyone that our June competition will be held on the 1st Monday of the month (Monday 3rd June) rather than our usual 2nd Monday of the month. (That’s next Monday).
Members have already been informed of this change, but with our busy lives it’s easy to forget these things so I thought I’d put out another post to prompt our memories.
The reason for this change is beyond our control. The 2nd Monday of the month in June falls on a public holiday and Wangi Workers don’t allow any functions on public holidays due to the increased cost of wages.

All entries will need to be uploaded by 11:59 pm this coming Saturday (Saturday 1st June).

I’m really looking forward to seeing all the self portraits.
But of course, if you don’t get to do a self portrait there are also our colour and mono categories.

by Sue Winsley, May 28, 2024

Monday Night Tutorial

Don’t forget, this coming Monday, Ian English will be showing us how he mounts his prints. Ian will also give us a quick walk round the club website to show us easy ways to enter our existing images in other comps, like PSA etc. It will be a great time to ask those burning questions about mounting and uploading (and anything else you need to know), as well as having a good chat with our photography buddies. See you there……. 🙂

by Rita England, May 24, 2024

AGM Nomination Form

All committee positions are open for nomination. If you would like to nominate either yourself or someone else for a position on the committee you can download the Nomination form using the link below.

One you have completed the form you can bring it with you to the next meeting.

There will be a couple of blank forms available at each meeting.


by Rita England, May 21, 2024

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

The AGM of the WWCC will be held on Monday 24th June 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

The official notification can be found on the website and the link below


by Rita England, May 21, 2024