Rita England EFIAP FAPS

Photography bio

Photography biography - is displayed as your judging experence
I have always been interested in photography, an interest probably fuelled by my father who was always taking family photos. Study and working intervened for many years but I eventually took a short course in photography to learn more about my film SLR and took it on several holidays along with the bags of rolls of film we were required to take in those days. Once digital came along, I eventually took a small digital camera with me to take test shots before my “real” photos. Needing more challenges, I joined my first club, The Castle Hill Photography club, in 2009 and purchased my first serious DSLR in 2010. I am now a member of three photography clubs and I enjoy the various challenges that presents. In 2016, I won first prize for a black and white image in a local photography competition that was not part of my photography club. That started me on my interest in external competitions and I have now earned Photographic honours of EFIAP (Excellence Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique) and FAPS (Fellow of the Australian Photographic Society). I started judging in 2023 and have completed a short judging course mainly to further my own photographic knowledge. I am interested in most genres but I particularly love street and journalistic photography and long exposure.