
Our club is based at the Wangi Workers Club at Wangi Wangi NSW

We meet at the Wangi Workers’ Club in the Auditorium at 6.30pm on the 2nd Monday of the month for our Competition Night.

We meet at 7pm on the 4th Monday of the month for Tutorial/Workshop night.

We also have Special Interests Groups meeting on 1st Monday of the month at 7pm

The club’s mission statement is:

“a shared enjoyment of the art and craft of photography in a learning environment”

Use the green About Us button for information on our club and what we do.

// Action for CLUBS

The 2nd Monday of the month is our competition night.

  • Our Competition Program is available from our website.
  • There are 3 grades, Advanced, A and Open. Open Grade is usually for beginner photographers and for those members who just enjoy taking photographs without doing extensive editing.
  • We have photos presented both in print form as well as Digital (EDI) option. (EDI – Electronic Data Images)
  • Both Digital and Print contests require you to enter online on this website and include a digital copy of each entry. This will be displayed in an image gallery on the website
  •  All photographs are displayed and critiqued by the judge on the night. Most judges provide very beneficial feedback, from which we all learn
  • At the end of the year we run our “Photo of the Year”competition (POTY). The photos entered in this competition must be photographs that have been entered in competitions throughout the year.

The 4th Monday of the month is our tutorial night.

  • We have had many and varied tutorials and continue to do so every month.
  • Suggestions from members as to what tutorials they would like to have are very welcome.

The 1st Monday of the Month is Special Interests group night

  • Members choose their own interest subject to collect 4-10 images on.
  • This is not for competition but to allow members to explore their own photography journey.

Visitors are always welcome to come along however visitors cannot enter any competitions until they become a member of the club. Follow the link under About us for info on joining.

Fees are :

$40 for year if commencing in June -September; If join later the following fee applies: $30 October- December; $20 January to May

BSB 650000 Account 526472301 Wangi Camera Club

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Results for competitions in May 2023 – Digital

There were 18 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in May 2023 – Digital

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Evening Graze
Susan Shipway – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Colour Digital

White Heron
John Sharples – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Mono Digital

Helen Oliver – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Colour Digital

Shadows on the Mountain
Glenn Moncrieff – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Mono Digital

Punting on the River Cam, Cambridge
Betty Moncrieff – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Set Subject Digital

Encouraging Mum
Michael S Martin – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Flinders Street Clock Window
Ian English – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Mono Digital

No Parking
Ian English – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Set Subject Digital

Quirindi State Titles
Marie Kildey – Merit
A Grade Open Colour Digital

Heading Down
Marie Kildey – Merit
A Grade Open Mono Digital

Cob and Co
Marie Kildey – Merit
A Grade Set Subject Digital

Glyn Atkinson – Merit
Open Grade Open Mono Digital

Aussies love to Cruise
Betty Moncrieff – Merit
Open Grade Set Subject Digital

Intense Wren
Dianne English – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Itchy Darter
Bettina Damme – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Reach for the Sky
Bettina Damme – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Infinite Reflections
Colleen Price – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Digital

Sk8er Boi
Megan Willis – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Digital

by Sue Winsley, May 8, 2023

Results for competitions in May 2023 – Print

There were 21 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in May 2023 – Print

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Fly Me to the Moon.
Brian Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Colour Print

Brian Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Mono Print

The Taj Mahal
Jan Whittles – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Set Subject Print

What is that??
Benjamin Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Colour Print

Like a deer
Benjamin Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Mono Print

“Order up!”
Benjamin Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Set Subject Print

Fill me up
Brad Le Brocque – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Print

The Odd Couple
Rita England – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Mono Print

PNG Entertainment
Elisabeth Fidler – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Set Subject Print

Such Sad Eyes
Jan Whittles – Merit
A Grade Open Colour Print

Opera Opened
Nancy Morley – Merit
A Grade Open Colour Print

Walking into the Pinnacles
Ken Linsley – Merit
A Grade Set Subject Print

The Artistic Dahlia
Colleen Price – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Bergenia Enhanced
Dianne English – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Turning Tricks
Rita England – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Oberon Tree
Neville Thorogood – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Camel at Sunrise
Megan Willis – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

White Faced Heron
Mike Fidler – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Print

Neville Thorogood – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Print

Wangi Wangi Indonesia
Elisabeth Fidler – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Print

Summers Dawning
Rita England – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Print

by Sue Winsley, May 8, 2023

Results for competitions in April 2023 – Digital

There were 19 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in April 2023 – Digital

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Beach Ceremony
Janet Payne – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Colour Digital

Norfolk Island Cemetry
Joy Thomas – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Mono Digital

Janet Payne – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Set Subject Digital

Watching you
Glyn Atkinson – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Colour Digital

Leaning dunny
Helen Oliver – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Mono Digital

What a mess
Glyn Atkinson – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Set Subject Digital

Tired Celebration
Ian English – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Loss of Innocence
Ian English – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Mono Digital

Bettina Damme – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Set Subject Digital

John Payne – Merit
A Grade Open Colour Digital

Focused on the next trick
Marie Kildey – Merit
A Grade Open Mono Digital

Susan Shipway – Merit
A Grade Set Subject Digital

We like Bread & Honey
Glenn Moncrieff – Merit
Open Grade Open Colour Digital

Cicada Lunch
Dianne English – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Tim Kemp – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Living Life
Michael S Martin – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Digital

Ripples in the sand
David Whyte – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Digital

Tidying Up
Ian Nunn – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Digital

Ropey The Clown
Bettina Damme – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Digital

by Sue Winsley, April 24, 2023

Results for competitions in April 2023 – Print

There were 17 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in April 2023 – Print

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Learning from the Master
Nancy Morley – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Colour Print

Im Ignoring You Grandad
Ken Linsley – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Mono Print

Lee-ann Hattander – Merit-Judges-Choice
A Grade Set Subject Print

The Flyer
Matt Golby – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Colour Print

I’d be smiling too
Benjamin Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Open Mono Print

Someone needs our help
Benjamin Halse – Merit-Judges-Choice
Open Grade Set Subject Print

The Old Town
Rita England – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Print

Cheeky Smile
Neville Thorogood – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Mono Print

Trawlers Detritus
Wendy Newbury – Merit-Judges-Choice
Advanced Set Subject Print

Its something about the curves!
John Frost – Merit
Open Grade Open Colour Print

Autumn Creation
Dianne English – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Last Catch
Mike Fidler – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Drink At First Light
Elisabeth Fidler – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Classic light
Brad Le Brocque – Merit
Advanced Open Colour Print

Dianne English – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Print

Windy Day
Rita England – Merit
Advanced Open Mono Print

Jacob’s Ladder
Neville Thorogood – Merit
Advanced Set Subject Print

by Sue Winsley, April 24, 2023

Results PSA Interclub Nature Rd 2

The last set of Rd 2 results are finally in.

We performed reasonably well moving up one place in the standings.

Two members received awards, Megan and myself.

by Ian English, March 19, 2023

Judges Decisions when Judging

Unfortunately, a recent event has necessitated this post.

This post will not concern the vast majority of our members but I would appreciate it if everyone could take the time to read it.

After our last competition night our judge Roy Killen was sent an anonymous email via his website from one of our members who was not happy with comments made by Roy.

This is definitely not an appropriate way to express any dissatisfaction we may have with comments and awards given by a judge.

When discussing this with Roy he expressed that he does not mind anyone commenting on his judging or asking him to explain why he gave an award to one image and not another one.

However, he was annoyed that whoever sent him the email kept their criticism anonymous by not including their name. It also appeared that the person who sent the email had used a false email address as when Roy attempted to reply the emails bounced back as non-deliverable.

We do give our judges a set of guidelines when they judge for us, but please keep in mind that judging is very subjective. We have all experienced cases of one judge not giving an image of ours an award and then re-entering the image and getting a good award. 

Most importantly, we, as members of a camera club must remember that actually the judge’s decision is at the discretion of the judge. It is not an easy task to get judges and it is important to respect their decisions even if we do not agree.

We are lucky that this judge was Roy.
Roy is not going to let this incident deter him from assisting our club in the future.
However, Roy has suggested that other judges might take such anonymous criticisms differently.

The correct way to get clarification on judging points would have been to discuss it with Roy on the night or if you really felt you must have clarification to email Roy with your details so that he can respond.

Roy has asked that I remind our members that if anyone has a query about comments or decisions of a judge that they should raise their concerns at a time and in a manner that will give the judge a chance to explain their decisions.

Hopefully this has cleared up any queries any of our members may have on how to approach a judge if they feel comments and/or awards need clarification.

by Sue Winsley, March 18, 2023