We had a really good night at our competition night at the club last night with an excellent rollup, especially considering many of our members are away. 

Our allocated judge Jamie Wicks did a great job with judging both our digitals and our prints.
Jamie had never judged before, but you would never have known. He was a natural and many members expressed to me that they thought he did a great job and gave some really good ideas.

Congratulations and well done everyone!

Our next competition night is on Monday 9th October and it will be in the auditorium.

Entries will be both print and digitals. 

Our October digital images are due in by 11:59 pm Saturday 23rd September. 

Unfortunately, if you miss the deadline there is nothing we can do. The digital images are passed onto the judge early in the morning on the day after the competition closes and cannot be reopened.
If you miss the deadline for the digitals you can of course choose to put in print entries instead.

The prints sections will close 2 days before competition night (At 11:59 pm on the Saturday before the competition. Saturday 7th October). 
You then need to bring your prints with you on the night and have them on the stands by 6:30. (We do understand that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances and you can’t help be a little late, but please try to have your prints there by 6:30 to give the judge a good chance to review all images. There may come a time that a judge will reject prints that arrive late and please understand that they would be well within their rights to make this decision).

Please put the dates in your calendar where you’ll remember.

Our set subject for October is:
Mobile Phone Photography” – The only criteria for this is that the image must be taken with a phone. It can be edited in your software of choice.

(In case anyone is wondering how we’ll check that the images are taken with a mobile phone, the simple answer is that we won’t. We are a great club and I can see no reason not to take our members word for it that their image was taken with a mobile phone).

As well as our set subject we will have our usual colour and mono categories.

Please remember that we can only enter 3 images each in total.

Note: We can only put in 2 entries per section (Colour, Mono or Set Subject) per member.  

We could choose 2 prints or 2 EDI’s or 1 Print and 1 EDI per section.
Remember, print and digital for each section is 1 category for the purposes of entering.

Our judge for October was going to be Peita Ward. Unfortunately Peita had important life matters to attend to and had to give her apologies.
Our judge for October is now going to be David Spratt.
David has judged for us in the past. Below is a little information about David that he gave us 2 years ago.

David A. Spratt 

A Life Member and currently the Snr. Vice President of The Entrance Camera Club Inc. David joined in Nov. 1976 coming up for 45yrs, most of those have been spent actively serving on the Committee including 13 years as President. 

David had an interest in photography from his early teens and then carried his hobby into his working life. From 1978, David spent 9 years as a professional photographer operating a photographic retail business in Long Jetty including photographing weddings and then for the following 25yrs until he retired in 2012 working from home specialising in Black & White processing and printing including work for the local history section, Gosford Library. David has seen the Evolution of photography from Film to Digital, from the Wet Darkroom to the Inkjet Printer with Slides making way for Digital Imaging. 

David enjoys a wide variety of photographic interest including People, Nature & Motorsport. 

David has been a successful exhibitor in Club, National & International competitions and has judged for Camera Clubs, as well as National competitions including 2yrs on the judging panel for “Black & White Prints” Photography section of the R.A.S Sydney Royal Easter Show. 

David has been inducted onto the FCC Roll of Honour from the Federation of Camera Clubs and also awarded the LAPS for photographic skill and the SSAPS for outstanding state service from the Australian Photographic Society. 

Good luck to everyone with your “Mobile Phone Images” Images. 
If you have any questions please contact me on suewinsley@iinet.net.au