
Our club is based at the Wangi Workers Club at Wangi Wangi NSW

We meet at the Wangi Workers’ Club in the Auditorium at 6.30pm on the 2nd Monday of the month for our Competition Night.

We meet at 7pm on the 4th Monday of the month for Tutorial/Workshop night.

We also have Special Interests Groups meeting on 1st Monday of the month at 7pm

The club’s mission statement is:

“a shared enjoyment of the art and craft of photography in a learning environment”

Use the green About Us button for information on our club and what we do.

// Action for CLUBS

The 2nd Monday of the month is our competition night.

  • Our Competition Program is available from our website.
  • There are 3 grades, Advanced, A and Open. Open Grade is usually for beginner photographers and for those members who just enjoy taking photographs without doing extensive editing.
  • We have photos presented both in print form as well as Digital (EDI) option. (EDI – Electronic Data Images)
  • Both Digital and Print contests require you to enter online on this website and include a digital copy of each entry. This will be displayed in an image gallery on the website
  •  All photographs are displayed and critiqued by the judge on the night. Most judges provide very beneficial feedback, from which we all learn
  • At the end of the year we run our “Photo of the Year”competition (POTY). The photos entered in this competition must be photographs that have been entered in competitions throughout the year.

The 4th Monday of the month is our tutorial night.

  • We have had many and varied tutorials and continue to do so every month.
  • Suggestions from members as to what tutorials they would like to have are very welcome.

The 1st Monday of the Month is Special Interests group night

  • Members choose their own interest subject to collect 4-10 images on.
  • This is not for competition but to allow members to explore their own photography journey.

Visitors are always welcome to come along however visitors cannot enter any competitions until they become a member of the club. Follow the link under About us for info on joining.

Fees are :

$40 for year if commencing in June -September; If join later the following fee applies: $30 October- December; $20 January to May

BSB 650000 Account 526472301 Wangi Camera Club

Join our Club Recent Posts Archives Upcoming Events

22nd July – Sensor Cleaning Tutorial

It’s nearly time to clean your sensors. I hear that the cleaning kits are being delivered quickly so there is still time to order yours in time for the night.

Come along and bring all your camera bodies and get rid of those pesky dust bunnies.

Have your cameras prepared and ready for the NPF the following weekend, in case you win the David Oliver natural light portrait photo workshop.

Here’s the link to the cleaning kit information..


by Rita England, July 11, 2024

FCC F-Stop Topshot Edition

F-Stop Topshot Edition has been published. See all the winners at the link below.


by Rita England, July 11, 2024


Thank you to those who have paid their fees and a reminder to those who have yet to pay. The fee this year is $50.

Also, if you wish to pay your tea and coffee up front to avoid having to find that pesky $2 coin at the meeting, you can add $40 to your payment.

Neville and I have opted to do that this year. So much easier for us and less of a hassle for Dale when we have to pay the club for our tea and coffee.

by Rita England, July 5, 2024

NPF Entries

Just a quick rminder that NPF entries close today.

Please bring your prints to the competition night this coming Monday 8th July, so that we can lodge them for you.

by Rita England, July 5, 2024

Creative Photography With Nicole Curtis

It’s tomorrow night!!! Monday 1st July. Come and join us for dinner beforehand for a catch up and an interesting presentation afterwards.

by Rita England, June 30, 2024

F-Stop June Newsletter

Here is the link to the latest F-Stop.


by Rita England, June 29, 2024

Meeting Next Monday – Creative Photograph with Nicole Curtis.

Our speaker for last meeting, Nicole Curtis, could not be with us for the AGM, but she will be giving us her talk on Creative Photography this Monday, 1st July. The Special Interest Group have agreed to give their night to Nicole. Hopefully all who attended last Monday (including visitors) can be with us again this Monday to hear Nicole’s presentation. It should be a good night. See you there…….

by Rita England, June 26, 2024

July Tutorial – Advanced Information

Brad Le Broque will be giving a demonstration on how to wet-clean your camera sensor.

If you want to do this on the night you will need to purchase the relevant kit for your camera.

I have attached a link to a document to shows different wet cleaning kits. It is cheaper to buy on-line or if you want to try Digital Camera Warehouse, I have also put their kit but they are more expensive. Brad suggested last night that you type in your camera model and you should see suggestions for the kit you need.

You will need to know if you have a crop sensor or full frame.

There seemed to be a bit of interest last night. If you need more information I will bring my kit next Monday.


by Rita England, June 25, 2024

NPF Print Entries

Reminder that entries to the NPF close on Friday 5th July.

If you have entered Prints, you will need to bring them to the club on Competition Night, Monday 8th July, so that we can arrange a bulk delivery for the club by Friday 12th July.

by Rita England, June 25, 2024

Fees 2024-2025

As advised by our Treasurer last night, our fees for the coming year are due by 30th June, 2024.

The new fee is $50.

Reminder: You must be financial to enter the comp in July.

Please remember to put your name and “membership” on your bank transfer to assist the Treasurer in allocating your deposit.

Thank you to those who have already paid their fees. If you have already paid the “old” fee just pay the extra and send an email to treasurer.wangicc@gmail.com explaining the difference and when you paid.

by Rita England, June 25, 2024